I can understand some Anonymous comments. Like if you’re
talking about an embarrassing topic. But I’ve noticed that most Anonymous
comments aren’t about something that may embarrass the commenter. Most of the
time these Anonymous commenters are trying to a bad ass. If you’re going to
take time out of your busy day to post lengthy comment trying drag down a person’s
happiness, the least you could do is take ownership of the comment and leave
your name on it. If you post a nasty comment on person’s blog as Anonymous, you’re
not a bad ass. You’re a fucking coward.
I know you can be anyone you want on the internet, but don’t
follow the crowd and try to be a bad ass under Anonymous user. I’m sure you’ve
noticed that I have very comments on my blogs, if any at all, so you know I’m
talking about personal experience this time. The thing that really gets me
fired up is someone that ‘knows’ what the blogger’s intentions are better than
the blogger does. Saying shit like their blog won’t grow their reader’s numbers
or saying that writers don’t buy books. Well, I call bullshit. I’m not a
well-known author, but I do have a book on amazon and I have hundreds of books
and have read most of them.
I personally like reading other author’s blog because I like
to see what works for them. Everyone has their own way of writing and breaking
out of the dreaded Writer’s Block. What doesn’t for one, might work for
another. Something that helps one author write might just help me out. You know
if you don’t go searching. You might find someone that has a completely
different writing style from your own and still end up to be good friends or
just enjoy their blogs.
I personally think that these Anonymous users are just butt
hurt. Something didn’t work for them, and now they’re trying to spread their
grief and misery to others. I haven’t really done much with the writer’s groups
personally, but I’m strong enough to admit that I just can’t come up with
something to write about every week. In fact, the main reason I ever write a
blog is let off steam when I see something such as these Anonymous cowards trying
to break or change a blogger’s writing style or just generally talking shit
about a certain blogger group. Jealously is such an ugly color for anyone to
wear. Maybe these Anonymous users just haven’t found the right blogger group
for them. Maybe if they stop trying to bring others down, they could find
something that makes them happy in the blogger world.
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